긴급마음문자 코엑스 아나몰픽 - Anamorphic
Media Facade



긴급마음문자 코엑스 아나몰픽 - Anamorphic art project

Client - 문체부 
Agency - CJ 
Production - Sangwha 
Production - imagopictures
Director - Joo Sung Hun
3D Director - Lee Hyuk Soo
Motion Graphic - Park Sung Hyun, Lee Sung Soo, Kim Han Gyeol, Choi Hyung Suk, Lee Jung Hyun, Kim Ji Yoon 



Full Version


대한민국 서울 코엑스 미디어광장에서 코로나바이러스로 지친 국민들에게 응원의 메세지를 전달하는 아나몰픽 프로젝트를 진행했습니다. 영상은 파르나스 미디어타워, H-wall 미디어, K-POP 스퀘어미디어, 광장 미디어, 코엑스 미디어 타워 총 5군데에서 동시 송출 되고 있습니다. 대한민국 정부, 문체부 주도로 진행된 프로젝트이며 전국의 시민들에게 감사,응원의 메세지를 사전 공모받아 의료진,자영업자,청년,청소년,어르신들에게 희망의 메세지를 전하고있습니다. 뜻깊은 프로젝트에 참여했다는 점에서 감사하며, 모두가 어려운 이 시기에 조금이라도 희망과 힘이 되었으면 좋겠습니다! 다시 일상으로 돌아가길 기대하며, 모두 힘내시길 바랍니다! 
 We are proud to present our anamorphic art project at the COEX Media Plaza in Seoul, Korea. We hope to deliver a message of support, respect, hope and gratitude to all those who have been affected by the Coronavirus epidemic in any way. The video is being broadcast simultaneously across a total of five different locations: Parnas Media Tower, H-Wall Media, K-POP Square Media, Kwangjang Media, and at the COEX Media Tower. The project was spearheaded by the Korean government and the Ministry for Culture, Sports and Tourism. The project quickly received a bounty of support and messages from across the nation, delivering hope and thanks to medical staff, the self-employed, young people, and seniors. The content of the project is a signal of gratitude towards the medical professionals of Korea, with people calling them “super doctors!” and giving words of encouragement. To the local business owners we wish for a bright and prosperous 2022. To the younger generation chasing their dreams we say ”We believe in you!”, and to the wise and elderly we express “be careful of covid-19, look after yourself!”. All these messages, full of warmth and hope, come from the people of Korea. We want to extend our gratitude towards all those who participated in creating this heart-warming project. Through this project we hope that citizens all across Korea might be able to find a little bit of strength and hope during what has been an incredibly difficult and painful time. Normality will return soon, and we pray for everyone's safety, health and happiness until then