정상회담 엔드타이틀 - Summit Ending Title
Agency - locus
Production - imagopictures
Director - hwang se jin
PD - kim young min
CD - lee hyuk soo, park sung hyun
3D Artwork - kim han gyul
영화 강철비 2 : 정상회담의 엔딩타이틀 영상을 제작했습니다. 감각적인 3D연출과 2D 작화를 통해 웹툰원작 작품의 특성을 표현하였습니다.영화 전반적인 흐름과 내용을 다양한 메타포를 통해 암시적으로 담아내었습니다.
We were tasked with producing the closing credits sequence for the movie Steel Rain 2: Summit. Through sensuous 2D and 3D graphic design we expressed the characteristics of the original webtoon that the movie was based on. The overall flow and theme of the movie is captured and reinforced through repeated metaphorical imagery.